Purchase today and pay in monthly instalments with

PR Procuret Logo
Your new digital finance provider

SafeGauge now offers our customers the option to pay for our products and services today but in monthly instalments, through Procuret.

Procuret is a fast, flexible and secure digital finance solution built for professional businesses to better manage their cash-flow. Procuret helps you purchase the products you need for your business and pay for them in manageable instalments.

It is cashflow friendly and time effective.

Procuret Image

How Procuret Works for Business Clients

Pay Invoices

Pay for invoices* from
$500 - $60,000 AUD

Choose Installment

Choose your instalment term
6, 12 or 24 months


Receive a speedy
confirmation from Procuret

Select Pay

Select to pay
with Procuret

Complete Process

Complete online process
in 2 minutes

Start Instalment

Start your
instalment plan

*Subject to terms and credit eligibility criteria.

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